Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blog 11 Should we spend the money we do on water treatment?

Personally i think we might spend too much money on water treatment. i know we have to clean up water and everything but it is not worth spending billions on dollars on it. That money can go somewhere else like school, law enforcement and other kinds of research or treatmeant like a cure for cancer or the study of stem cell research. We are spending to much money on water treatment plus like there is already alot of water in this world! Instead of using it in water treatment we could use on  ways to stop polution. Are country is in a deficit and we cant use it on water treatment we should use it for something else that would help us more.

Look up Gregor Mendel and his pea plant experiments Why does P1 look all alike and F1 looks very different?

P1 looks all alike because all of the genes are dominant. unlike F1 whos genes are all mostly diffrent and they are considered receesive because of that they dont look as much as the p1 ones look alike. george mendel made his experiments with pea plants alot. He studied the plants so he can discovered the gentics and also he would study there inheritance of certain traits in the plants. Mendel did not just study one plant he studied over 29,000 plants. He would make his studies precise and take them very serious he wouldnt let no one intefere with them .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog 11 In the movie Gattaca parents were allowed to pick the traits of their babies, should we be able to do this? Why or why not?

we should not be able to choose the genes fo our children.  childern are made to have simliar traits there parents have like hair,eyes, etc. if they are alllowed to choose the traits some kids will look nothing at all like there parents.we are suppose to look like our parents like that people will recognize how we look like.if we look nothing at all like them people will have doubts about it. Also if people start choosing the genes they want for there kids they will get really picky. so the best thing to do is to not let people choose the genes for there children.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

blog 9

       I think that the government is doing the correct thing but they should be less cruel, they are ruthless because they burn the bodies of the infected people.  What i think they should do is sterilze the bodies clean up the inside of them and make sure they are not infectious. Also i think that they should be more secure in were they keep the bodies the should keep them away from people in most movies i have seen the keep the infected people somewhere were everybody knows, i think that the should keep the people like in the underground or like somehwere else I  dont think the military should get involved. What i think the federal government should do is make a defense army is used only to keep a ity or town quranteed.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Diamonte Poem

        Dangerous and Mysterious
                      Searching, Sweating, Walking
        Girls, Monet, Money
        Sexing, Destroying, Watching
        Spreading and Dying

Sunday, October 10, 2010

BACTERIA blog #5

Bfidobacterium is a bacteria that keeps us healthy it is not harmful to any of us. The bacteria helps us in digestion and can also help us against allegries. The bacteria also aids so that tumors wont grow in our bodies. This bacteria also creates many good healt effects. A  bad virus that kills many people is the West Nile virus it grows in tropical and temperate zones. The virus mostly infects birds, but it is spread into humans by mosquitos. The west nile virus has three stages, If infected with the West Nile virus can be dead in 8 days or more. A way we can protect ourselfs from this harmful materials is we can wash our hands alot and also cover your mouth when you sneeze.

<--west nile

Thursday, September 30, 2010

How much does a hurricane weight

a hurricane weights a lot, more than you might expect. it also covers a large area. Hurricanes weights billions of elephants  or thousands of blue whales. Hurricane Rita was weighed by Charles Crowson weighed 10 billion elephants and about 2.5 billions blue whales. the hurricane weighed about 6.67 times heavier than a thunderstorm. A hurricane is very different most clouds in it are unique some are full with water while others are full with ice. a hurricane carries  a lot of water too, Rita contained about 10 billion elephants weight of water. The hurricane also covered 45 square miles. Hurricanes are really big and weight a lot.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Are non carbon based life forms possible?

yes there  are living beings out there,there are billions and billions of planets out there in the universe.Are space program has only had to the power to explore a couple and make predictions about others. there are many planets out there that we haven't explore scientist say that every living thing needs water to survive.what about if there is some element out there that we haven't explored yet and it has the ability to support life out there. I don't know that if the live out there is more intelligent than us, but there is a chance that it might be true.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

conversion to the metric system

Most countries in the world use the metric system,but we dont the United states dont.It would be way easier for everybody if we started using the metric system to measure thing and weight thinngs.No more pounds,inches, now its time for kilograms,centi-meters.It would be much easier for tourist and everybody that came to the us to know how everything is.also when we go to other countries we wouldnt be that confused with there measurments and everything else.

my goals for my sophmore year

this year my main focus is to be MORE organized, i am always loosing papers or cant find a pencil in class because my back pack is a mess.i flip- through pages because i cant find my homework or some vocabulary work sheet paper. also i want to fit in more time so i am able top study because i am always rushing threw my work because of football and other things,alos i dont want to be late to any of my classes because if your late alot teachers are going to think that you are an irresponsible student and dont really care about your grades.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

the flu

everybody is getting sick including me :( how do germs spread soo fast?is there anyway possible we can protect ourselves from illness without medicine or vaccines?at least 10 of the people i have talked to in the weekend are sick including me.but my brother isnt nethier is my mom nor sister. i dont like being sick i want to know how i can get better(: