Thursday, October 14, 2010

Diamonte Poem

        Dangerous and Mysterious
                      Searching, Sweating, Walking
        Girls, Monet, Money
        Sexing, Destroying, Watching
        Spreading and Dying

Sunday, October 10, 2010

BACTERIA blog #5

Bfidobacterium is a bacteria that keeps us healthy it is not harmful to any of us. The bacteria helps us in digestion and can also help us against allegries. The bacteria also aids so that tumors wont grow in our bodies. This bacteria also creates many good healt effects. A  bad virus that kills many people is the West Nile virus it grows in tropical and temperate zones. The virus mostly infects birds, but it is spread into humans by mosquitos. The west nile virus has three stages, If infected with the West Nile virus can be dead in 8 days or more. A way we can protect ourselfs from this harmful materials is we can wash our hands alot and also cover your mouth when you sneeze.

<--west nile