Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blog#12 What surprised you from the worm's dissection?

The worm discetion lab was a very fun and intresting experiment i was shocked every 5 minutes due to the things i observed and the facts that Ms. Malonek told us. Like i was absolutely shocked when she told us that a worm had 5 hearts.I really didnt know that was possible, and espically when with a worm which is smaller than most instects out there. Also another feature that i found out was very intresting about the worms was that they are both a female and a male. The are hermis. I didnt know that and also that they have small male areas.

Monday, April 18, 2011

blog 11

Alternation of generations is like a cycle that involves plants for example plants go through the process if meiosis and fertlization are areas that are needed in order for a species or plant to alternate. For example mitosis can resemble the birth of an animal and in photosynthesis that is the beginning of the cycle it is when the plant starts to involve so at the end some how alternation of generations and lthe phoosynthesis cycle somehow relate to each other it is not a big mystery or anything.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

blog 10

Discetion in very important in biology when you disect an animal you are able to discover what makes up that animal. The veins and everything else that composes it. for example when you disect a frog it is not like the typical human body. Bones are difffrent alot of things are the diffrent. Species have diffrent characteristics from other spices so like everything is diffrent somehow from there oipposing speicies. I believe some animals that we should start disceting are turtle , bird , and make even some fishes. I would like to see the materials that make up this animals. Many of them have difftrent features form the other ones so it should be fun and enjoyable to see what materials make up the animal .

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blog 9

Define the different forms of community interaction: competition, commensalism, mutualism, predation, parasitism Give an example and a picture for each. Okay competion is when to diffrent organisms compete for something. Mutalisim is when something affects both of the organism for example a bee feeding off a plant it affects the plant by the chemical the bee leaves in it, The plant is able to carry out the process of photosynthesis. While it affects the bee because it gains energy . commensalism is when an organsim is eating some and it its hurting the envoirment for example when a  humming bird or rat makes a nest on a tree. It is helping the animal or bird but it is hurting the tree because they are destroying it little by little. Predation is when an organism is hunting on another organism like for a example a cat is going over and trying to kill a mous.e.