Thursday, February 24, 2011

blog 4

Microevolution is the process in which we start using microchips are the process in which tiny things are to involve in to something greater for example like a small insect involves into somthing greater.Micro evolution is a study that takes up alot of time that is also takes up hard work. Microevolution is another process in this world just like human evolution and animal evolution. It is a process that takes many years and it just doesnt occur like in the next day or something like that,. Micro evolution is hard and you need special materials.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

blog 3

In the life of bilogy there are 3 kinds of selections directional,stabilizing, and disruptive. Many people considered directional selection to be the same as directional selection. The features of directional selection is that at the beggining f the selection the genes are recessive but sometime throughtout the process they become fixed. Stabilizing selection is also called ambidirectional selection; it is a type of selection is which genetic diversity decrases as the population stablizes on a particular trait value. Something like stabalizing selection is human birth weight. Disruptive selection describes changes in population genetics in which extreme values of a trait are favored over intermediate clauses. an example of disruptive selection is when rabbits made and there fur color is determine.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

blog 1

Evolution is considered a thoery not a law because it still hasnt veen proven. There can be evidence found in the near future that might change the theory of evolution. Afterall evolution is a thoery which means that changes can be made to it when ever new evidence is found. For example if a archelogist finds something new that shows us that we were never a part of the homo sapiens the whole evlotuion thheory will be changed upside down. like the prcocess of human life would change and we will be considered part of another kind of developed from a new human race for example we can be related to something diffrent like aliens or things that existed from a long time ago. Also evolution is also  theory because nobody knows if we are going to change in the furture for example some experts suggest that we are going to get bigger in terms of size, others believe we are going to get fat due to the lazyness and unhealthy eating of us humans, but also some considered that we might turn into robots.

blog 2

A  fossil record is hard to intercept because likeit is very easy to fake a fossil all you need is and organsim and some other materials like clay and bones. for a organsim to be considered a fossil it has to be at least 10 thousands years old. it just doesnt have to be from acient times for like example a mummy that is 6,000 years old is not considered a fossil even though it is just a mummy like it doesnt have to be an acient monument to be a fossil. Also a fossil has to be a living thing not a article such as a rock or something else that existed a while ago. Fossils are very hard to find the age of them because first you have discover the origin of the fossil,if the fossil is still exticnt.