Wednesday, February 16, 2011

blog 1

Evolution is considered a thoery not a law because it still hasnt veen proven. There can be evidence found in the near future that might change the theory of evolution. Afterall evolution is a thoery which means that changes can be made to it when ever new evidence is found. For example if a archelogist finds something new that shows us that we were never a part of the homo sapiens the whole evlotuion thheory will be changed upside down. like the prcocess of human life would change and we will be considered part of another kind of developed from a new human race for example we can be related to something diffrent like aliens or things that existed from a long time ago. Also evolution is also  theory because nobody knows if we are going to change in the furture for example some experts suggest that we are going to get bigger in terms of size, others believe we are going to get fat due to the lazyness and unhealthy eating of us humans, but also some considered that we might turn into robots.

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