Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Final blog Reflect on your semester and year in biology What were your successes? What were your failures? What did you learn that you will never forget?

Biology was perhaps my second if not my favorite class of my sophomore year. It was very fun and we went through a lot of diverse topics i liked when we learn about illnesses and germs and how fast they spread. Like when we saw that movie of the monkeys and how the disease lead to the quarantee of a whole city i taught it was great. I also enjoyed dissecting a lot of the animals. most of them had a lot  of similarties it was gross and eeverything but i had fun and I enjoyed this class a lot this year. What I didnt like was how lazy I would be to do my projects, quizzes, and sometimes be to lazy to work on my notebook this class was hard at all. All i had to do was do my work and pay attention in class and im pretty sure i would get a solid B.

Blog 15 Compare two of the organisms that we have dissected Discuss at least 2 similarities and 3 differences

This year in my biology class i had a lot of fun , we disected a lot of animals and a lot of them were similar to each other for example the frog and the squid had a lot of similarities. also the worm was some how similar to them too. I would like to compare the frog to the worm in this blog of mine. The frog had a lot of internal organs also it had a closed circulation system unlike the worm. The worm only had a few organs it wasn't as diverse as the frog. The worm was also long and it was like a tube while the frog had four legs .The worm had a lot of legs, the worm is smooth and this enables it to move under ground while the frog has certain limbs inside it that allow it to jump extremely high. However both of them have small and lungs and they must use there skin in order of them to breath correctly.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Blog 14 Compare two of the organisms that we have dissected Discuss at least 2 similarities and 3 differences

In the last few weeks we have disected a lot of animals from all diffrent kingdoms and a lot of them are the complete opposite from each other. For example the frog which had like 3 hearts and the fish that has two chambers, Two hearts. It is very wierd how this animals have multiple hearts but at the same time have many weaknesses. I believe that this animals have alot of complexe organs and systems inside them. But i still dont understand how even though they are from diffrent kingdom and like a diffrent species they still have similarities. Maybe the idea that they are living organsims can back it up as a reasonable supporting idea. I dont know but like a lot of these animals had gills which helped the animals breath and also some of this animals didnt have big lungs so they had to breath through its skin.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blog 13 What was most interesting about this week's dissections?

What i taught was the most intresting about this weeks disections was that i learned that each insect or animal had a diffrent kind of system. Some had 5 hearts like the worm and others were like the cricket that had its repsiration system under its body. Also i learned that each animal had its digestive system located somehwere special in its body. LIke some digested from its head. Also i learned that some animals like the worm were two genders and later through out the course of there life they can decide what they what to boy a male or female. Also animals and insects each belong to a certian kingdom all of them are divided.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blog#12 What surprised you from the worm's dissection?

The worm discetion lab was a very fun and intresting experiment i was shocked every 5 minutes due to the things i observed and the facts that Ms. Malonek told us. Like i was absolutely shocked when she told us that a worm had 5 hearts.I really didnt know that was possible, and espically when with a worm which is smaller than most instects out there. Also another feature that i found out was very intresting about the worms was that they are both a female and a male. The are hermis. I didnt know that and also that they have small male areas.

Monday, April 18, 2011

blog 11

Alternation of generations is like a cycle that involves plants for example plants go through the process if meiosis and fertlization are areas that are needed in order for a species or plant to alternate. For example mitosis can resemble the birth of an animal and in photosynthesis that is the beginning of the cycle it is when the plant starts to involve so at the end some how alternation of generations and lthe phoosynthesis cycle somehow relate to each other it is not a big mystery or anything.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

blog 10

Discetion in very important in biology when you disect an animal you are able to discover what makes up that animal. The veins and everything else that composes it. for example when you disect a frog it is not like the typical human body. Bones are difffrent alot of things are the diffrent. Species have diffrent characteristics from other spices so like everything is diffrent somehow from there oipposing speicies. I believe some animals that we should start disceting are turtle , bird , and make even some fishes. I would like to see the materials that make up this animals. Many of them have difftrent features form the other ones so it should be fun and enjoyable to see what materials make up the animal .

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blog 9

Define the different forms of community interaction: competition, commensalism, mutualism, predation, parasitism Give an example and a picture for each. Okay competion is when to diffrent organisms compete for something. Mutalisim is when something affects both of the organism for example a bee feeding off a plant it affects the plant by the chemical the bee leaves in it, The plant is able to carry out the process of photosynthesis. While it affects the bee because it gains energy . commensalism is when an organsim is eating some and it its hurting the envoirment for example when a  humming bird or rat makes a nest on a tree. It is helping the animal or bird but it is hurting the tree because they are destroying it little by little. Predation is when an organism is hunting on another organism like for a example a cat is going over and trying to kill a mous.e.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

blog #8 talk about something you learned

I have learned that there were a lot of stages of the human life.  That humans started  a  lot smaller and weaker than they are right now. Before humans were not that intelligent and alson they werent as strong as they  are now. We haven envolved greatly ever since we first started to walk on this earth. Many experts still think that we are going to develop more in the next few million years, to think about it humans have not inhabited this world for billions of years, We are not the superior race of the country. Bacteria has way more inhabitants than us in this world and it can also survive through many tougher obstacles.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

blog 7

I am comparing two biomes tundra and forest. Both of them are slighty different from each other but at the same time they all have similarites. The forest biome started about 420 years ago, The first forests were dominated by giant horsetails, club mosses, and ferns that stood 40 feet tall. Today forest cover abour 1/3 of earths land area. Thundra in the other side is an extremely cold envoirment, Tundras are in extremely cold climate, low boitic diversity, simple vegetation structure, limitation of drainage, short season of growth and reproduction, enegry and nutrients in the form of dead organice material , and also large popultation oscillations.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

blog 6

The most important level is probably the meat and beans area.  I believe that it is the most important part of the food pyramind because it offers alot of protein and other minerals and vitamins that give you alot of energy, Also they full up your stomach unlike vegetables and fruits and the other sections of the food pyramind. Also meat and beans are the material that keeps your body really tone and all that stuff you need to make muscle, unlike diary and other foods that just jumpstart your day it isnt good enough to be as important as the other parts of the pyramind. Also mostly everyone eats meat at least once a day, most people dont drink milk everyday or eats fruits and vegetables everyday.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

blog 5

There is a possibilty that us humans are in the verge of exctiction but at the same time i think that we might be the first race to be capable of surving exctiction. For example we are very smart and have really smart technology that might be capable of changing the courses of nature. Perhaps though we might not be able to save the world from the events of natue like earthquakes hurricanes or valcano  eruptions. At this point i believe that the chances of humans being the 6th case of a major exction is 50 %.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

blog 4

Microevolution is the process in which we start using microchips are the process in which tiny things are to involve in to something greater for example like a small insect involves into somthing greater.Micro evolution is a study that takes up alot of time that is also takes up hard work. Microevolution is another process in this world just like human evolution and animal evolution. It is a process that takes many years and it just doesnt occur like in the next day or something like that,. Micro evolution is hard and you need special materials.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

blog 3

In the life of bilogy there are 3 kinds of selections directional,stabilizing, and disruptive. Many people considered directional selection to be the same as directional selection. The features of directional selection is that at the beggining f the selection the genes are recessive but sometime throughtout the process they become fixed. Stabilizing selection is also called ambidirectional selection; it is a type of selection is which genetic diversity decrases as the population stablizes on a particular trait value. Something like stabalizing selection is human birth weight. Disruptive selection describes changes in population genetics in which extreme values of a trait are favored over intermediate clauses. an example of disruptive selection is when rabbits made and there fur color is determine.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

blog 1

Evolution is considered a thoery not a law because it still hasnt veen proven. There can be evidence found in the near future that might change the theory of evolution. Afterall evolution is a thoery which means that changes can be made to it when ever new evidence is found. For example if a archelogist finds something new that shows us that we were never a part of the homo sapiens the whole evlotuion thheory will be changed upside down. like the prcocess of human life would change and we will be considered part of another kind of developed from a new human race for example we can be related to something diffrent like aliens or things that existed from a long time ago. Also evolution is also  theory because nobody knows if we are going to change in the furture for example some experts suggest that we are going to get bigger in terms of size, others believe we are going to get fat due to the lazyness and unhealthy eating of us humans, but also some considered that we might turn into robots.

blog 2

A  fossil record is hard to intercept because likeit is very easy to fake a fossil all you need is and organsim and some other materials like clay and bones. for a organsim to be considered a fossil it has to be at least 10 thousands years old. it just doesnt have to be from acient times for like example a mummy that is 6,000 years old is not considered a fossil even though it is just a mummy like it doesnt have to be an acient monument to be a fossil. Also a fossil has to be a living thing not a article such as a rock or something else that existed a while ago. Fossils are very hard to find the age of them because first you have discover the origin of the fossil,if the fossil is still exticnt.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

final blog :What was you favorite activity/topic this year? Why was it a favorite?

My favorite activity this year was when we burn the chips. I think it was fun because before that i really didnt know how hot a bootle of alimunim got. Like it was fun because it was a grop project and like all of us felt involved. What we all did was he got diffrent kinds of chips and like we put fire on them so they got hot. I would like to do another lab like that because it wasnt that hard and t was very intresting.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

blog #13

       Genetic DNA investigating helps solving cases much more than violence and other kinds of investagating. It is more accurate because it involves high tech technology and technology is right 99.9 % off the time. Like the studies always involve machines and humans dont touch any of the DNA. The DNA is so small and a microscope can look through it and like that you get a high resolution image. DNA  testing is very expensive and hard to do because only a couple of people know how to do it. but i believe it is worth it so that many criminals can be proven guilty.